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dimanche 31 mars 2013

In bed ......again!

It’s a fact that when you’re lying around – particularly in a hospital bed, - you ask yourself how you could have got here.
When you’re aware, also, that you had and still have, many thoughts and ideas for the future both of yourself and the person you love, it does become extremely difficult to “stay calm” – particularly when you feel just great, if tired and weary of needles being stuck in you!
When you reach a stage that the very hospital you are in has almost run out of ideas, then you start wondering where you’re going!
Once again I’m lying here, waiting for the visit from some “specialist” vascular – from the Neurovascular Department. I seem to spend an awful lot of time just lying here – waiting! Be it for breakfast, lunch, dinner or a doctor, (sometimes Tina Concetta) – I spend more than half of the little time I have left just waiting! And it gets annoying…..!”
Right now it seems that they have finally decided that I was quite correct in what I said some months ago, namely that my problems and regular visits/deliveries into the hospital and the Cardiac Urgency place was WRONG!
Wrong place – should have been either (for me, anyhow) either the Neurovascular Department, or (god forbid) the Gastro-enteritis     Department- after all, the loss of 30 kilos (some 60 lbs) in not even three months needs some explanation!
But then again, who’s the Specialist here… or one of the Gods in White?
Ok –it seems that the situation has come down to that we are all agreed at leas on one thing, heart treatment is more than correct and is working very well, with an occasional “shock” from the defibrillator – they say they don’t know why, but I do – it’s because they have to treat me with injections after each attack, and injections are a danger point for the defibrillator!
These attacks are the problem. I go home from the hospital after intra-venous treatment, I’m fine, pumped full of stuff to fight the nauseous feelings of dizziness and vertigo, and slowly – at home – it all goes back to what it was and another attack happens.
A A "street defibrillator". Having a cardiac arrest in the "heart of Monaco" could be less problematic. (Photo credit: Wikiped in fact my defirillator looks more like this:) - 

Back off to the hospital! The Cardiac people (where I am ALWAYS delivered) do the checks and controls they are obliged by law to do, but of course, there is no problem there – everything is “fine” – so back on the IV drip I go and get filled up till it’s time to go home – 3 or 4 days later!
The solution has to be found, and quickly – I can’t take a lot more, and anyway – I haven’t got so much time left! The actual thing that is  implanted is like this:
 and is, like a mobile phone connected to the phone GSM world wide system - controlled, and if it goes off line, then I get a call from the Cardiac Dept of the hospital, as when - on one occasion the plug fell out of the wall, the emergency services arrived, wanted to take me to hospital, then I thought - HEY, let's check the plug!

The latest idea is some new system available for certain patients – in Montpellier – if your heart pattern and other things pass, but I ask myself whether anything of that nature will work – If the problem is basically a Neurological Vascular or Gastro one?
So – We have to find out, but – it would be kind of nice to live almost normally whilst waiting!
Anyway - if I was you, I'd ask my GP to arrange a Cardiac checkup,  preferably at a hospital (they've got the necessary equipment under one roof) - You're never too young or too old, male or female!
Now – is it possible or not to provide me with the means of having medications – at home – to keep me in the same manner as in the hospital? At least that way I could almost live at home until they figured out where, why and what the problem is, and take the decision to try to fix it!
My God………at least I WOULD be in the right treatment centre!                

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C'est vrai pour quasi tout les Pays de ce monde.....!

"Il n'y a aucun doute, la France est de loin le plus beau, le plus magnifique pays que Dieu a créé, Et pour remédier à l'inégalité avec les autres nations, Dieu a créé les Français." - (pas de moi, ceci vient d'un Français très bien connu!)

Nouveau...des Infos sur ce blog

Pour essayer d'éviter des problèmes de chargement, l'Éditeur (mr le marquis - iwmpop) a changée la "mis en page".
C'est important maintenant de regarder dans "les Archives" ou vous pouvez trouver tous les articles depuis le début...
Bonne lecture - Bonne Surf!

Pour votre information- ou non - comme vous voulez....!

"iwmpop" - (mr le Marquis) est d'origine Ecossais.
Il a vécu dans plusieurs pays Européen, et il a eu le malheur de témoigner aux dégradations dans les générations de cette race qu'on appelle "humaine" - pendant des longues années.
Il vous ne demande pas de partager ses opinions, mais il ne doute pas que vous allez trouver des exemples que vous reconnaissez, dans votre entourage etc...peut être vous vous voyez - Vous même!
Vous n'avez qu'a réfléchir...!
Et puis -
Si vous êtes "croyante", êtes vous prêt de présenter votre cas devant votre Dieu.... bientôt.....?
Présentez-vous donc devant votre Dieu, si vous êtes religieuse, et essayez de Vous défendre....
Pourquoi c'est comme cela..?
Voila - c'est la race dit "humaine"!
Faire de ce monde un endroit agréable pour toutes n'est vraiment pas difficile, mais il en faut la volonté - et ça n'est pas présente...!
Que moi, moi, et encore moi..........
Ces articles ne sont pas tous des tristes plaintes, il y a des choses admirable, mais dans la vie mondaine, c'est très rare....
Il va avoir des choses du passée, des choses de l'avenir "probable", des mises au jour sur des articles déjà fait - et "mr le marquis" n'épargne personne - lui même inclus....!

Lisez - lisez pas - ca m'est égale - avoir ma tête claire, avoir dit ça que je pense - c'est mon but - et rien d'autre.
A propos -
Vous, les citoyen(e)s - "respectable" - "honorable" -
celles parmi Vous qui demande la respecte des autres -
est-ce que vous le méritez vraiement?

I.W. Mitchell n'est pas croyant, mais n'aurait pas le moindre problème de se justifier.
Il a toujours fait ça qu'il croyait correcte.
Bizarre - non......?
iwmpop (mr le Marquis)
France - Juin 2009

Qui êtes-vous ?

Ma photo
A confirmed and adjured European.