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vendredi 5 février 2021

Oenilisme...What the Doctors say.


Quelques verres - A few glasses - einige glaser.

A few days ago, I had the honour and duty to 'wend my weary way' to the Hospital.

CHU Nimes, France.
There are a number of men & women in white, who are always, seemingly, pleased to see me.
Their job, normally - when I go, is to check over this built in defibrillator that I carry around with me for over 9 years, now. They must make sure it is functioning, and particularly, that the battery is still good.
They must also check through the effects, and after effects, some wished for and others not required at all, that I suffer or experience, from my circa 14 daily medicaments!
Now - it is somewhere around 9/10 years that I carry this thing around with me, built-in - I can't just take it out, and I am limited, because of its presence, in some of my activities and habits.
I am not allowed, or rather - I should not - use specific types of electronic equipment, or I should make sure they are a certain distance from the defibrillators position in my body, and should not be exposed over long periods of time to the electronic waves.
For example, mobile phone usage, should be limited - phones must be held well away from the defibrillator, no earphones of any type (they themselves are a danger).

In the kitchen, there is only really one nefarious item, but quite important - the Microwave Oven. Not forbidden, but used within reasonable amounts and whilst standing well away from it.
Entertainment items don't really affect me too much - I had to give away my 'X-Box'- It was simply not usable within my reach, whilst keeping the defibrillator distant!

An 'X-Box'.

This brings me to one of my favourite 'questionable' points that I always hammer on about, when I see my Cardiologes (I have two, and to date, they hold together, like all in the Hospitals)!
You see, from the start of my heart problems, which go back to Germany and 1990'ish, the 'Medicine Men'have objected to the one source in my life of enjoyment, my love of Wine.
Not cheap wine, not highly expensive wine. I spent many years exploring a multitude of wines from all over the World, wines that were little known but were in fact quite delicious and well within the average money/price range.
I and my deceased wife, Kathleen, would spend our holidays travelling Europe, finding Restaurants and Wines and enjoying ourselves. 

Many years ago I had introduced my wife to 'Gordon's Wine Bar' in London, England - the oldest wine bar in London and possibly in the World.
Rudyard Kipling sat in here and wrote on his well known 'Jungle Book'.
Now, according to my reports, done by the Cardiologists since 2010, twice a year, every year, plus various visits to the internal departments of the Hospital in emergency condition, I had noticed, some years ago, a couple of words which I vaguely recognized. One is 'OENILISME!
A quick 'Google' search gave me the following:


Ang. Oenolism
All. Oenilismus
Esp. Etilismo
Alcoholism due to a too important consummation of wine.
Dernière modification: 21 Avril 2012
Editors: Sylvain Torchet
So - there We have it - I am accused of being an alcoholic from wine. Probably from enjoyment as well.
I asked myself how that could be possible, but I didn't find an answer. My Doctors insisted, and so - 2 years ago I ceased drinking alcohol at all.

3 years ago, on the advice of the same Doctors, I stopped smoking, leaving myself with few pleasures in life!
At least I'm not pregnant...yet!

Since then, I have still had 3/4 problems of the heart, requiring hospitalization.
As I like recalling to mind, one of the places that supplied me with reason to believe this diagnosis may be faulty, was, in fact, the CHU (Hospital) in Montpellier, who insisted on serving me red wine with my main meals. I have a photo of that - somewhere, but the interesting fact was that I (apparently an alcoholic) could not drink this red stuff, it was so bad, and I regularly gave it to my room-mate, who quaffed it down as though it was vintage stuff.
Never mind, I suppose I'll have to let the Doctors live in their little world of diagnosis and get on, myself, with the real World...!

My God - that was bad stuff...(CHU Montpellier)
The wine went to my room-mate who enjoyed it.

Mr. I W Mitchell - Cardiac and Blogger.

Dr. RICCI - Cardiologe
CHU, Nimes, France.



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C'est vrai pour quasi tout les Pays de ce monde.....!

"Il n'y a aucun doute, la France est de loin le plus beau, le plus magnifique pays que Dieu a créé, Et pour remédier à l'inégalité avec les autres nations, Dieu a créé les Français." - (pas de moi, ceci vient d'un Français très bien connu!)

Nouveau...des Infos sur ce blog

Pour essayer d'éviter des problèmes de chargement, l'Éditeur (mr le marquis - iwmpop) a changée la "mis en page".
C'est important maintenant de regarder dans "les Archives" ou vous pouvez trouver tous les articles depuis le début...
Bonne lecture - Bonne Surf!

Pour votre information- ou non - comme vous voulez....!

"iwmpop" - (mr le Marquis) est d'origine Ecossais.
Il a vécu dans plusieurs pays Européen, et il a eu le malheur de témoigner aux dégradations dans les générations de cette race qu'on appelle "humaine" - pendant des longues années.
Il vous ne demande pas de partager ses opinions, mais il ne doute pas que vous allez trouver des exemples que vous reconnaissez, dans votre entourage etc...peut être vous vous voyez - Vous même!
Vous n'avez qu'a réfléchir...!
Et puis -
Si vous êtes "croyante", êtes vous prêt de présenter votre cas devant votre Dieu.... bientôt.....?
Présentez-vous donc devant votre Dieu, si vous êtes religieuse, et essayez de Vous défendre....
Pourquoi c'est comme cela..?
Voila - c'est la race dit "humaine"!
Faire de ce monde un endroit agréable pour toutes n'est vraiment pas difficile, mais il en faut la volonté - et ça n'est pas présente...!
Que moi, moi, et encore moi..........
Ces articles ne sont pas tous des tristes plaintes, il y a des choses admirable, mais dans la vie mondaine, c'est très rare....
Il va avoir des choses du passée, des choses de l'avenir "probable", des mises au jour sur des articles déjà fait - et "mr le marquis" n'épargne personne - lui même inclus....!

Lisez - lisez pas - ca m'est égale - avoir ma tête claire, avoir dit ça que je pense - c'est mon but - et rien d'autre.
A propos -
Vous, les citoyen(e)s - "respectable" - "honorable" -
celles parmi Vous qui demande la respecte des autres -
est-ce que vous le méritez vraiement?

I.W. Mitchell n'est pas croyant, mais n'aurait pas le moindre problème de se justifier.
Il a toujours fait ça qu'il croyait correcte.
Bizarre - non......?
iwmpop (mr le Marquis)
France - Juin 2009

Qui êtes-vous ?

Ma photo
A confirmed and adjured European.